Consultant -5 years of experience

Job Description:

Job description
Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this consultancy is to review, assess, and synthesize the evidence available, with a primary focus on clients programming related to the GFC framework. The below learning questions will frame the inquiry

1. To what extent is working through prioritized systems (market systems, social protection systems, climate and landscape systems, and/or data systems) an effective way to ensure vulnerable people meet their immediate food and nutrition needs and recover from shocks?

2. To what extent are food security interventions targeting prioritized leverage points resulting in systems-level changes?

The specific objectives include the following:

  1. Conduct a comprehensive desk review of internal literature, project evaluations, reports, and some seminal external pieces exploring the linkages between key approaches within the prioritized leverage points and food security outcomes (To what extent is working through prioritized systems (market systems, social protection systems, climate and landscape systems and/or data systems) an effective way to ensure vulnerable people meet their immediate food and nutrition needs and recover from shocks?) as well as documenting instances of food security programming catalyzing systems-level change (To what extent are food security interventions targeting prioritized leverage points resulting in systems-level changes?);
  2. Identify where linkages between prioritized approaches and outcomes are well-established and where limited evidence is available in order to identify focus areas for future inquiries.

Responsibilities of the Consultant

  1. Review clients project reports, evaluations, learning briefs, technical notes, etc., including those published on clients link.
  2. Include a review of select reports and other literature sources from academic journals and relevant existing Evidence Gap Maps related to key approaches and food security outcomes, as necessary.
  3. Identify key themes, trends, and gaps in the existing literature
  4. Synthesize findings into a structured report that outlines the current state of knowledge linking key approaches to food security outcomes and documenting instances of systems-level change
  5. Finalize an Excel based framework outlining key approaches and food security outcomes in order to facilitate evidence mapping
  6. Provide recommendations for future learning based on the findings of the desk review and evidence mapping.
  7. This consultancy will be performed entirely remotely. No costs related to travel will be included.*

Contract Duration

The anticipated duration of the contract is July 17, 2024, to September 17, 2024 (anticipated 20 billable days).


  1. Master'??s degree with at least 5 years of experience in food security or a related field is required.
  2. Experience in conducting studies, assessments, evaluations, or literature reviews in food security, resilience, or other related areas is required.
  3. Previous experience in completing a thesis or publication manuscripts in relevant fields is required.
  4. Previous experience conducting evidence gap mapping is preferred.
  5. Familiarity with systematic review methodologies, evidence mapping techniques, and quality assessment tools to ensure rigor and reliability in the review process is required.
  6. Strong understanding of food security concepts, frameworks, and key issues, with expertise in relevant thematic areas such as food access, production, nutrition, etc. is required.
  7. Demonstrated ability to work independently with minimal guidance and support is required
  8. Excellent written and verbal communication skills to articulate complex concepts, findings, and recommendations clearly and effectively in reports and presentations is required.

Required Application Components

  1. Cover letter, which describes a brief summary of the approach demonstrating qualifications in undertaking the Scope of Work. This summary should highlight how the applicant will complete the deliverables. (Document cannot exceed 3 pages single-spaced.)
  2. Completion of separate attachment, Annex I, which is also the table found under Section IV Specific Tasks and Level of Effort
  3. (a) Compensation rate per day; (b) Total cost for completing the assignment; (c) Confirmation of the level of effort (i.e., number of billable days).
  4. Resume/CV.
  5. Contact information for three professional references, with the following details about the references: (a) name, (b) position, (c) company, (d) phone number, (e) email address, and (f) city, state, country.
  6. One sample work from a previous similar assignment.